
Sara J. Mays DC CACCP

Parents want the absolute best life for our children and ourselves. You can see the potential that is in your child and want to see it flourish. Maybe there is something holding you or your child back that could be better. Maybe you and your child are ‘normal’ and ‘healthy’, but you feel there is so much more that could be happening, your family could be healthier and functioning even better.

I’m Dr. Mays, and I have been practicing chiropractic since 2013. When I switched careers from ecologist to chiropractor it was because I wanted to help people be their healthiest, most vibrant self. In my chiropractic internship I started seeing lots of postpartum mothers with lingering struggles from pregnancy and birth. In order to help these women prevent these postpartum problems, I sought training in the Webster technique, a well-accepted chiropractic technique for pregnancy. After caring for many pregnant mothers, it became clear to me that the babies needed expert care as well. I spent several years of study and practice to earn my CACCP from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. I continue to expand my knowledge to provide the very best chiropractic care for mothers and children in Washington County, OR and the surrounding area. I love working with mamas and kids to help them flourish, there is absolutely no better job than witnessing a little person harness optimal potential from the very start.

Good Life Chiropractic’s Mission

At Good Life Chiropractic we empower families to live their best, most vibrant life.  We do this by:

  • Removing barriers to optimal function with chiropractic adjustments

  • Utilizing exercises and advice on making healthy change

  • Supporting patients to find ways to decrease their stressor load, recommending other excellent family wellness resources, and sometimes giving a much needed hug.

At Good Life Chiropractic we believe that living your best life has many different components:  physical, chemical, emotional, family, and community. We hope to be part of optimizing your wellness on all levels.  Your whole health is extremely important to us, that is why we do not typically act serious; we believe that laughter and smiles are truly the best medicine.  

Good Life Chiropractic is a family-friendly healthcare environment, your children are welcome here.  Every person at Good Life shares our vision that children are an important part of our community. We love caring for many mamas, babies, and kids.  We understand that children have playful spirits, and babies sometimes cry; it takes a village, so bring your kids. Good Life Chiropractic is not the spa, it’s not the gym, and it’s not a used car dealership; Good Life Chiropractic is like your friend’s house.  It’s a place where patients and staff alike leave every time a bit closer to our best selves.

At Good Life, we believe that if you can improve a person’s well-being that this positive change will be radiated to their entire community.  If you help enough people make steady progress towards optimal health, you can make the world a significantly better place.